The ebb and flow of language is fascinating, and I love to read about the peculiarities of usage and of new words as they are absorbed into the great creative stew that is the English language. I've blogged about The Word Spy before, a site that tracks and highlights new words and phrases being seen in the media (A newish entry mentions "fertility tourism", the practice of traveling to other countries for fertility treatment...)
Mentioned at Old Hag: an article in online magazine Slate about the current trend toward turning nouns into verbs, as in "He concepted the idea", or "She officed downtown". A lot of people find this practice very annoying. But what's even more annoying is that marketing guys, who ought to have better things to do, are lobbying Merriam-Webster to include words like this version of "concept" in its newest dictionary.
Language change ought to just happen organically, not be helped along by PR people.