I am often asked how it is that the Alice Baker Library offers such a wide variety of adult programs. Usually I start with a lot of ideas and then narrow them down to what I think would work. And where do I find inspiration? Here is one recent example. I have been planning summer programs for adults. I met someone recently with the Delafield Arts Center so I happened to get on their website. There was a listing for classes offered and one caught my attention right away -- Books N' Brush. I spoke with the instructor of the children's class about perhaps doing something for adults. She then told me that she and a poet I know in Palmyra do a class related to art and poetry. I am also exploring the possibility of having a book illustrator/author visit. I thought I was just interested in one program but now I am looking into three or more programs all from books and art. It's interesting how one idea can lead to many and that it isn't always going from A-B-C that pans out.
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